Dez Bryant Hospitalized Due To Back Spasms

dez bryant hospitalized with back spasms

Dez Bryant made enormous strides this season and labored through a few injuries and fractured finger to try to will the Cowboys to the playoffs.

The Cowboys came up short Sunday night, and during the game Bryant had to leave the ballgame because of injury.  No not the finger injury, but back spasms.

ESPN Dallas is reporting that Bryant’s back spasms were so severe, he had to be hospitalized because of them.  Bryant declined comment on the matter.

“It completely locked up on him after the game,” Cowboys coach Jason Garrett said of Bryant’s back. “He couldn’t, literally people had to help him get his clothes on after the game, carry him to the bus and we put him up in first class on the plane so he could have a little space and some comfort.”

“We think ultimately it’s going to get under control,” Garrett said. “It’s a pretty significant injury, and he obviously couldn’t come back and play and really couldn’t walk until this morning.

Bryant will have plenty of time to rest his ailing back, on top of that, he still has to have surgery on the index finger at a yet to be determined time.


Dez Bryant Says Playing With Finger Injury Is About Mental Toughness

dez bryant mental toughness

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant is finally displaying the pro bowl potential scouts and the Cowboys thought he had coming out of Oklahoma State.

Bryant is playing through a fractured index finger and a ton of pain.  Bryant spoke with ESPN Dallas on the matter, and just acknowledged it was about having “mental toughness.”

“This finger (it’s about) just mental toughness, that’s all,” Bryant said after Friday’s practice as the Cowboys prepare for Sunday’s game against the New Orleans Saints. “If I felt like it was going to bring me down, I probably couldn’t be out here doing what I’m doing. I don’t think about it as much. I don’t feel the pain. I just go out and play football.”

“Each and every week, it boosts my confidence just to know that Tony (Romo) believes in me,” Bryant said. “I feel like I’m still working on it more, for Tony to trust me. I’m going to just keep doing what he wants me to do. I’m going to keep paying attention. I’m going to keep focused and see where it goes.”

The light has finally went on for Dez Bryant and it’s an awesome thing to watch.


Jerry Jones Says Dez Bryant Will Need A Bone Graft To Fix Index Finger

dez may need bone grafh

Dez Bryant had four catches for 59 yards and a touchdown yesterday in a huge win over the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Bryant fought off double teams and pain to labor through when his team needed him most.

ESPN Dallas via Jerry Jones is reporting that Dez Bryant may need a bone graft from his hip to repair his index finger.

“Dez is going to have to have, more than likely, bone taken off of his hip and put into that index finger joint,” Jones said Sunday evening. “This is a fracture, but it’s not a ligament, so make no mistake about it, he has an injury and he has a serious injury relative to his hand. He’s certainly playing with some risk, but he was inspirational out there.”

When advised of his owners comments, Bryant shot that down really quick.

“Well, if he wasn’t kidding, I’m also not playing neither,” Bryant said. “Nobody (is) touching my hip. I’m telling you right now, you can get a piece of bone from somebody else. You’re not touching my hip.”


Dez Bryant Needs Surgery On Finger But Intends To Play

Dez Bryant is making strides as a player and a person in what has been an up down season for him personally.  Right now everything is going right for Bryant, and he doesn’t want it to stop.

Ed Werder of ESPN is reporting that Bryant who suffered a serious injury to his index finger this past Sunday in Cincinnati will attempt to play Sunday against Pittsburgh even though surgery on the finger has been recommended.

Reports are that prolonging surgery can lead to long-term consequences in that finger.  I commend Dez for being about team, and I’m sure the Cowboys will repay the effort.